It's the beginning of a new year and you want to get your finances in order. You've heard about no spend months but may not know how to start one. This short guide will show you how to implement a no spend month in 2024 and make the most of it! With just a few simple steps, you'll be on your way to saving money and getting your finances in order. So, what are you waiting for? Start planning your no spend month today!
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How to prepare for a no spend month
So now that you have considered doing a no spend month, it really can be a great way to save money. Although it can be easy to feel discouraged when thinking about a no spend month. But if you take it one day at a time, there are plenty of ways to make sure you enjoy all that money-saving has to offer. Here are some tips on how to prepare for a no spend month.
- Your why
To start with, ask yourself why and answer honestly why you want to have a no spend month. Are you wanting to save some money? Are you wanting to use up what you already have? Did you spend more last month than you wish you would have? Whatever your why may be, write it down and put it in a place that you will see it. Any time you may want to spend money on extra things, look at and remember your why.
- Plan ahead
However, before diving into your no spend month, it is helpful to plan ahead. This can help set you up for success with it.
Think about all the different categories that you spend money in that you may want to spend extra. For example, your groceries. Then an idea would be to plan ahead what your meals will be for the month. This can help you to prepare and hopefully not want to stop at a fast food for dinner in turn spending extra money.
You could plan ahead for nights where you prepare some of your favorite restaurant foods. They can have your own special take on them. Consider desserts too if you and your family enjoy them. How about an ice cream sundae bar you all could enjoy creating? Be sure to get creative.
- Fixed expenses
As we know, we cannot cut out all of our expenses. There are some that have to continue to be paid each month. These are not categories to include in your no spend month. Some of these include mortgage, health insurance and utilities.
- Non fixed expenses
Non fixed expenses are expenses that may be able to be adjusted. An example of this would be groceries. You definitely always want to be sure that you are getting enough food for you and your family. There are some things that can help lower our grocery bill without skimping on food. Implementing some of these things could help to possibly lower your grocery bill and therefore help you to save some money.
- Extras
During the no spend month, you want to not purchase extra things. There are many items that may follow under this category. The following are some examples.
- Going out to eat
- Getting coffee
- Buying extra clothes
- Going out to the movies
An idea may be to write down any time that you want to buy something extra or go somewhere that will cost extra money. Next to it write down an approximate amount of money that you would have spent. Put it someplace that you can be sure to look back at. You can then tally up all the money you would have spent yet saved for you and your family over your no spend month.
No spend ideas
The good news is that there are many ways to still have fun during your no spend month. With this in mind, you can use these tips and tricks as a starting point for your no spend month.
- Be creative and enjoy making your own meals instead of eating out.
- Get creative with leftovers.
- Make a dessert bar.
- Movie night-with movies you already have.
- Game night
- Go to the library-are there any free classes? In addition to checking out books.
- Walking
- Hiking
- Visit family
- Visit friends
- Find free activities to do in your community or online
- Watch the sunset
- Read a book in the park
- Play with your pet
- Take time to declutter
No spend month tips
Above all during your no spend month, be patient with yourself. Don't get upset if you are wanting to spend money on things like going out to eat or on extra shoes for example. Give yourself grace. Remember to take it one day at a time and to remember your why.
In addition, I want to add that if you happen to have a gift card that was gifted to you to go out to eat or shopping for example, that would not be money coming out of your budget. Therefore, that would be okay to use. That would be a nice little extra treat! In fact, when you are planning ahead you may want to look and see if you have any gift cards that you can set aside for your no spend month.
Reap the benefits you worked hard for
Afterward, when the no spend month is over, take a step back and admire all you have accomplished. It takes hard work to do this challenge. Then take a moment to reflect on what you have accomplished and all of the benefits you will reap from this accomplishment. Remembering these benefits may help keep temptation of wanting to buy things you may realize you don't really need at bay. It takes hard work to do a no spend challenge so pat yourself on the back for what you have accomplished.
To conclude with, the purpose of this challenge is so that you can not only save money but to also learn just where your money is going. Additionally, you can also see when you go shopping for example, what types of items will actually bring value into your life and not just clutter up space in some closet or storage unit. Because you will be intentionally purchasing your groceries and other necessities during your no spend month. You may find yourself living more simply with less stuff around to distract from the important things: family, friends, health & happiness!
Thank you for taking the time to read this blog post. Please leave in the comments if you have ever participated in a no spend month challenge and some tips you suggest.
Nelly's Blog says
Omg, I got stressed just thinking about it! I would love to try a no-spend month, but I'm always stressed about missing essentials and saying no to myself. I will definitely give your tips a try because clearly I spend most of my money on Extras haha
Amy says
Thank you for commenting!! I understand it can be a lot of work doing a no spend month. Good luck.