Hi there! Thank you for stopping by. My name is Amy. I am a mother to two teenaged daughters and have been married for twenty-four years. I enjoy finding new ways to help my family save money while still having fun. I also enjoy finding ways to save time on daily tasks so that I can have more time to spend with my family.
Over the years, some of my family and friends have told me how they can't believe the money I have saved on some of our purchases. I have been able to help stretch our grocery budget and purchase other things as well for my family at incredible prices. Affording my family extras while saving money too, is a win win to me. This drives me to continue to integrate frugality into my life.
When the Coronavirus hit in 2020, I found my desire to want to learn more ways of being frugal and save money to grow immensely. I wanted to also help my family to still be able to afford to do the things we love when the world opened back up. This is why I decided to start my blog. I want to share tips on how you too can save time and money. With an emphasis on recipes. As food is an essential part of our everyday lives, I strive to make delicious, budget friendly meals.
All of the tips, recipes and suggestions I share are just that. They are suggestions and my opinion. But I hope that you are able to find some money saving tips that help you save money as well.