How many of you have a room in your home that extra stuff happens to pile up in? Do you ever say to yourself, I will just set this in the spare room and then get it in a little while? I have done this. It can feel overwhelming at times when there is a lot of stuff to go through and clear out. If you have a room in your home with junk it may be time to clear out all the clutter. In this blog post I'll show you how to declutter your junk room in less time!
I know that I have put off having to declutter our spare room before. The thought of doing it made me cringe because I thought it would take a long time to do.
Remember, the more you have in a space, the more cluttered it will appear to be! When you take the time to go through everything, you will be surprised at the difference this change can make in both the appearance and function of your home! Here is a how to declutter your junk room in less time.
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Why is there so much junk to clear out?
As time passes, we can accumulate a lot of things. It can be hard to let some of these things go. This may be caused by different reasons. Some may include that some of those items were given to us by someone special, some are antique or that they hold a lot of memories for us. I know that it can be hard for me to get rid of things if there is a special memory attached to them.
Sometimes we do not even notice the clutter adding up. We get busy with our daily lives and before we know it, we have a junk area or a junk room. Although it can be overwhelming to go through it all, we can still do it. Taking a small amount of time and preparing for the task can help us work through it easier.
Here are 5 tips on how to declutter your junk room in little time.
Tip 1: Gather supplies
- Bags or boxes
Gather 5 bags or boxes. One is extra. Once you are on a roll of going through everything, we do not want to be short on the supplies we need to store them in.
- Marker
Mark the bags or boxes "Keep", "Donate" " Put Away" and "Throw Away".
The fifth box or bag is extra if needed.
- Plain stickers
To label bins, boxes, bags and other items with.
- Bins or baskets
As you are going through your things, you will come across items you will want to keep. Be sure to have some bins or baskets to store these items in.
- Cleaning wipes or rags
Once everything is gone through, be sure to wipe down racks, shelves, etc.
- Sweeper
Once you are finished, you will want to give the room a good sweep.
Tip 2: Sort through all items by section
Try going through everything by section in order to get things done more quickly and efficiently. This may also help you to feel less overwhelmed while decluttering. If we do this rather than thinking of all the things to go through, we can concentrate on what is at hand. We can concentrate on those items and focus on what to do with them.
Some examples of sections may include books, clothing, toys, knickknacks and crafts.
Tip 3: Tackling bigger areas
When we are going to be decluttering a space, it is important to set it up to run smoothly. The less we have to stop and move things out of the way the more we can stay on task. Areas that may really benefit from this are the bigger areas we need to tackle. Here are a couple bigger areas you may have to declutter in the process.
- How to declutter a junk closet
If your junk room has a closet, perhaps taking everything out and sorting them shelf by shelf and then wrack by wrack can help with less feelings of overwhelm. As you take things out to sort through them, place them in a location of the room that you can move about freely. This is a time saver. When we have enough space to work, we can work more efficiently and that can help us to stay motivated to continue working.
Continue going through all of the items in the closet and putting things back you are keeping in an organized way. Sort into the boxes or bags what you are going to throw away, donate or put in another area.
- How to declutter junk drawers
Take some time and go through all the drawers one by one. Put anything that doesn't belong into a bag or box to disperse into another area where it can be stored appropriately for easy access later on. When you're done organizing all the drawers, take some time to clean up any leftover mess around it so that it looks neat and tidy again!
Tip 4: Store what you are keeping
Once you have gone through all of the other areas of the room, store what you want to keep. That way those things are not just left out after all the hard work and effort you just put into decluttering. It will feel great knowing where things are when you need them!
On baskets and bins add plain stickers and mark them with what their contents are.
- Books
Do you have a bookshelf to store your books in? If not, organizing them nicely into bins or a basket is an idea.
- Knickknacks, photos, mementos
If you do not want to put them out to display, consider nicely storing them in weatherproof bins. You could then store them in the closet of the room or in another area to keep them safely stored.
- Crafts
Craft supplies can be organized into bins or baskets.
- Broken items
Any items that you find that may be broken or trash, throw them away. This will allow you to have less clutter. Getting rid of these things from the beginning can help us to feel productive as well.
If there are items that may be broken that you would like to try fixing, set up an area to place them. Be sure to come back to them to try to fix. We don't want to start a new pile of clutter.
Tip 5: Take donations to thrift stores, donation centers, or charities
- Books
if you have too many to store, find a library or non-profit organization that can take some off your hands.
- Clothing and toys
Do you know someone that may be in need of any of these items? Other options are donating to your local thrift store, donation center or charity.
So, what are you waiting for? Start decluttering your junk room today! You'll be feeling so much better once it's done. You can stand back and look at the amazing job you did with a smile.
What are your decluttering projects you are working on? Please share in the comment section. Thanks!
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