Easy, sweet and savory cottage cheese snack ideas for a perfect way to enjoy a great snack. In this post, I am including five cottage cheese ideas that make for a delicious snack. Some of them include sweet and others include savory toppings. They are tried and true favorites from some of my family and friends. I am also including some other yummy ideas you may want to try as well.
What I love in addition to the taste of these cottage cheese snacks, is that they are a time saver. In a hurry, it's okay. They require very little time to put together.
Cottage cheese is a great source of protein. And the high protein can possibly help to keep you fuller for longer. So, choosing cottage cheese as a snack between meals is an excellent idea. And if you are a fan of dairy products, cottage cheese is a great option to have.
There are many wonderful toppings to add to cottage cheese. Including simply a sprinkle of black pepper. You can also add a scoop to toast, making cottage cheese toast. And just a drizzle of honey can add a wonderful, sweet taste. But this post is going to give you some more ideas that also do not require a cottage cheese recipe. And you may come across some different flavors that you have not considered before.
I hope that you will find a new idea to try. And number five on this list is what helped me to become a fan of the taste of cottage cheese. Let's check out how to add to this healthy snack and make a savory cottage cheese bowl.
Looking for more easy snacks? Please check out the best simple celery snack ideas made easy!
Frugal Tip
If any of these ideas may sound good to you, add it to your shopping list. The next time it goes on sale, consider buying it and trying it out.
Depending on the texture of cottage cheese that you like, will help determine the size of curd you get. Once you choose what you would like, you can enjoy a cup of cottage cheese any time of the day. And it is an excellent source of calcium.

Amaretto cherries
I had never even given this idea a thought before. But a loved one shared their love for putting amaretto cherries in their cottage cheese. It is an easy way to add some sweetness to your snack. You can choose how many cherries to add and pour a little bit of the juice in too. This could even be considered a dessert as well.
If you are wanting to add a savory taste to your cottage cheese, this may be the topping you want. In addition to being a great afternoon snack, this could also be a great cottage cheese breakfast bowl. If you have some leftover bacon, or perhaps are making some, set a piece aside. Crush it up or break into small pieces and mix it into a scoop of cottage cheese.
I enjoy having celery with my lunch sometimes. To help make a more filling option, I add some cottage cheese and diced tomatoes to it. Also, if I am feeling hungry midafternoon, I will have this sometimes. It does the trick.
Cheeze Its
Do you enjoy Cheeze Its? This is a new idea that a friend shared with me. For an afternoon snack or with your lunch, add a scoop of cottage cheese and dip your crackers in it. All of the cheesiness is delicious.
Breakstone Cottage Cheese Doubles.
I enjoy eating pineapples with my cottage cheese. But there is just something about the Breakstone Cottage Doubles with pineapple that I love. This is my favorite way to eat cottage cheese. And has become a favorite snack of mine. The creamy texture with the perfect amount of pineapple is a delight.
Looking for another great addition to go on a scoop of cottage cheese? Here are some more ideas you may want to try adding in or alongside of it.
- Peanut butter
- Ants on a log-peanut butter and raisins.
- Kalamata olives
- Bell peppers
- On a split banana
- Drizzle of maple syrup
- Sesame seeds
- With honey and pear
Do you have a favorite food that you like to eat with cottage cheese? Please share in the comments. Thanks!
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